Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Second Week

It's the second week of school, and I'm a little worried, because looking at everything I have to do, I think I can do it. It'll be a lot of hard work, late nights, and little social life (like I have one anyway), but usually, I look at it all, laugh, and then pick and choose. And that's what worries me. I'm sure something will spring up, smack me in the head and then run, leaving me muddled, confused and laughing.

I had my first teaching sections yesterday. They went pretty well. Except they are all right in a row, so by the last one, I'm pretty much hoarse and tired. But all the groups seem good. However, last Friday, in the middle of lecture, the fire alarm went off. Well, I had left my coat in my office, because I wasn't leaving the building, so why drag a 50 lb. coat around. I ended up outside in a sweatshirt for 15 minutes. Yesterday, the fire alarm went off again, and again, I was coatless. I'm just wondering when the pneumonia will kick in. Interesting story (to me, anyway), one of my new students asked me if I ever go see local bands, which I do on occasion because I have a few musician friends. He then stated he was in a band and wanted to know if I would ever come see them. He'll let me know when they play next. Hmmmm. What was that all about?

Alright, I need to eat, and then get to study group. I also need to read an article before study group. I bet by next week I'm laughing hysterically.


1 comment:

1 FN HandyMan said...

Dude is

a) interested in you
b) just nice and thought you might like to see live music
c) is drumming up interest in his band
or D) All of the above
