I am officially engaged!!! He didn't do it last night. But he was very nervous. My entire family thinks he is wonderful. Tomorrow he meets Camille. So far, everything has been great.
He was going to take me back to our old highschool and ask me there. See, we used to go sit in his car for lunch every day and talk the entire time, so he was going to take me where it all started and ask me, but school was still in, so the parking lot was full. He was so nervous, because then he didn't know what to do. We drove by his old church and the pastor was there, so he suggested we stop. I had only been to his old church once: for his wedding. We talked with the pastor for a while, and he asked if we had an announcement and I said no, because I didn't have a ring yet. The pastor asked if we'd like the sanctuary to ourselves for a moment and Wes said yes. He said it was a little weird because he had gotten married there, but he liked the idea of proposing in a church because it represented a new start for us both and that this wasn't just a physical commitment, it was a also a spiritual commitment between the two of us. And I said yes. (Like anyone thought I would say no). The ring is so beautiful. Very, very sparkly. And my family is very happy. Everything is going well. And my nephew is adorable and can say my name. I'm so happy!!! I hope everyone is having a great holiday too and knows that they are all loved by someone.
YAY! And? YAY! I'm so happy for you both!
congrats sweetie! that's so fantastic! now we need photos!!!
I like him! NOW it's official! :o)
It was great having lunch yesterday! Officially, CONGRATULATIONS!!
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