Tuesday, December 27, 2005

How not to spend Christmas

With a 24 hour stomach bug. Yes, I had a great Christmas, running to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I couldn't even sleep and since my family originally thought I was just in a bad mood because Wes had left early Christmas morning, they all had to find out (there were 10 of us) that I had a stomach bug and all the nasty details I'm not going to tell you. Let's just say that it was kind of like having Christmas twice, because I didn't remember what I got, so everything was brand new the next day when I looked at it again.

And I did get some good stuff, which is part of the benefit of having a large family (again, ten of us, and several others mailed presents). Wes got me the Age of Empire III, and that's what my parents got for him, so we can play against each other. He also got me the complete New Yorker on DVD. I love the New Yorker, but it is a dangerous gift, as I am still in school and need to get stuff done. His kids got me a super soft bathrobe, which I really needed. His dad got me a Russian cookbook. It is beautiful, has a ton of recipes and several pictures for each one. I also got the first two seasons of Scrubs, the Garden State, a backpack, mixing bowls, a watch, cash, another cookbook, and a ton of other stuff. It's going to have to be shipped back home. So then I'll get to open it all up again!!!

My family loves Wes. Absolutely adore him. My mom is so happy. Even my brother thinks Wes is amazing. They think he fits in our family perfectly and that he treats me very well. The family likes his dad too, which is good, because other than his kids, his Dad is his only immediate family. My dad invited his dad to golf anytime. And his dad loves me and my family too. It was a great week with them here. I'm so relieved and I feel like I finally got it right. I wish everyone could be as happy as I am right now.

My nephew is adorable. He is 27 months and picks up new words everyday, mostly by saying them 10 times in a row. If you ask him if he's cute, he says "no, I'm tough" and then he growls and makes muscles. It's so cute!!! And he knows my name. If you pretend you're asleep, he'll crow like a rooster. He's a smart little boy and he knows his colors and his numbers and some of his letters. And he loves his daddy. I wish I could see him more than I do, but I guess that's part of life.

Well, I'm off to have tea with one of my friends. I hope everyone is having a great Christmas or Hanukkah. I am, but it's going by too fast. I go home on Friday already. I guess I will just enjoy it while I can.


Anonymous said...

glad everything is going well for you. (with the exception of the stomach bug, of course.) have a great time while you're home and have a safe trip on friday.

Beth said...

Glad you're feeling better! Its fantastic that everyone loves Wes!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your stomach bug, But I'm glad you're having a good time. Congratulations on your official engagement!