Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Snow saga

I am finally back at my parent's house in TX. We (my parents, brother, his girlfriend and his son, my sister and her fiance and me) went to visit my aunt in Denver Colorado. My grandma and aunt, uncle, three cousin, one wife and girlfriend were also there. That was a total of 18 people in a three bedroom house. My sister, two cousins, one girlfriend and my sister's fiance and I slept in the basement (non-finished) on air-mattresses. Elise's and mine air mattress leaked. It's not very comfortable sleeping on concrete. We had a very good time, but on Thursday a snow storm came in. Seven in our group were snow-boarding. It should have been an hour and a half trip home. It took my dad 9 hours to get home. Those in his car had to get out and push repeatedly. One time he came within 3 inches of hitting a stuck semi-truck. It took my brother 10 hours to get home. He had to get towed by a wrecker and he burned out his anti-lock brake system trying not to hit anyone. Here's a picture taken three days after the snow storm, just to give you an idea.

While the rest of our family was snow-boarding, we were having fun in the yard.

Friday my brother decided he needed to leave immediately in order to avoid the snow-storm that was predicted for the weekend (up to 30 inches). He left in such a hurry that he didn't check the internet. Big mistake. Turns out almost all the roads were closed. He finally made it to Trinidad CO, 180 miles from where we were. The first night they (him, his girlfriend and his 3 year old son) slept in the car. The next day a couple noticed their TX plates and invited them to spend the day/night with them in their hotel room. The next day it was rumored that the road had opened. It was, in CO, but not in NM. My brother spent another night at the hotel. They finally left the next day. He spent more time in Trinidad than he had with us. Oh well, his loss.

Meanwhile, it was New Year's Eve. As you can see from the picture, it was incredibly fun-filled.

We were going to leave on the 31st, but the roads didn't open until that evening. We decided we would rather wait a day and let the rest of the ice melt and everyone else who had been stuck in Denver to leave first. We left yesterday (the 2nd) and made it home by midnight. We were the last people at the aunt's house. We had a great time, but it's nice to be home (even if it is just my parent's house). I hope everyone else had a great Christmas and New Year's. I can't wait to see what this year has for me!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Wow! That sounds like a crazy snow storm! Glad to hear that you finally made it back to your parents's place.

Happy New Year! I'm predicting a wonderful 2007 for all of us!