Thursday, April 06, 2006


I've just finished question #2 (Please see previous post for the question). I wanted to finish it last night, but ended up with some sort of stomach bug (I'll spare you the details) and thus, didn't work on it last night. It's also a difficult question. Why? Well, because many historians view the Holocaust as a result of Jewish emancipation. I don't want to go there. I avoided answering the Holocaust question for a reason (Was the holocaust the consummation of European antisemitism and post-liberal politics? Or was it an aberration? Was the mass murder of European Jewry predictable from the perspective of 1870, 1914, 1933?) Why don't I want to answer that question? Because, how do you answer it? I don't believe that: yes, all Germans are rapid anti-semites and thus the Holocaust was inevitable. Nor do I believe that: no, the Holocaust was unpredictable and thus an aberration. History is never that simple. It's never black/white, yes/no. It's always in between. And it can be depressing. Besides, does it matter if emancipation was bad for the Jews and Judaism? I mean, we can't go back and change history. It happened. So I guess that yes, it was bad, and I'll tell you why. Without going into the Holocaust. Was it avoidable. No, it wasn't. Obviously, I'm attracted to depressing topics. I study Jews, women and Russia/USSR. Not the happiest topics in the world. I wonder if I should see a shrink about that? Anyway, I want to start my other women's question tonight, which also has to do with anti-semitism (male Jews were feminized and thus unable to belong to the nation). Then another Jewish question (about politics). Ok, time for the Simpsons. I need something to make me laugh.

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